Monday, April 20, 2009


Learning the less common sushi terms at sushi bars will make you look both sophisticated and as if you are a regular of the bar.

Those terms are:
Akami - Lean tuna. A fishes' red parts. Often used for maguro.
Agari - Green tea. Agari means "goal" in Japanese board games, and since you usually drink tea at the end of a meal, the term is used.
Geta - The board where you put the sushi on. This is because the board looks like the wooden sandal, geta, worn by the ancient Japanese.
Gari - The ginger placed on the side. It is called gari because it makes the sound "gari gari" in your mouth. It's eaten to refresh your mouth after each sushi, like those coffee beans at perfume stores.
Murasaki - Soy sauce. Murasaki also means purple and because the color of soy sauce looks like a deep tone of purple it is called murasaki.
Nama - Raw. Used as a prefix to the name of a fish, a shell fish (like oysters), or something usually cooked.
Oaiso - Check please.
Odori - Alive. Odori normally means dance in Japanese. When the fish is sliced just right to eat alive, it jumps around and since it looks like as if the fish is dancing it is called odori.
Sabi nuki - No wasabi please. Sabi is an abbreviation for wasabi.
Shari - Rice.
Wasabi - Wasabi.

Example of Usage:
"May I have an akami-sabinuki,-with a little bit of gari on the geta."
"May I have cod fish's odori and nama-oyster with murasaki and wasabi on the side?"
"Oaiso, and agari please."

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